September 18, 2009

Recycle Rubber Tires

Rubber tires material is one of the most interesting materials to recycle.

Portable Speed Bumps and Speed humps

Firstable I think it is a great idea to have portable speeds bumps, I want one of those to put in front of my home!!!  but also is great that they are made from recycle rubber tires.

I found this company trafficlogix located in New York that build portable speeds bumps and speed humps from rubber tires.

Keep doing the good job.

Rubber Mulch

Last month the HOA in my community decided to reeplace the wood chips from the community park's playground for rubber mulch. We really celebarte the change;  It is safer and more fun.

What a great idea and it is made from recycle rubber tires!!!

Rubber mulch is aslo used for landscaping decoration and equestrian Arena. How cool is that!!!

Here is the link of one of the companies that sell Rubber Munch in California:

Don forget to leave your comment. You also can emails at with your ideas.

September 14, 2009

Christmas recycle

I know it is September, but I am already thinking on that wonderful time of the year. Christmas.

Ahhh!!!. Yes I have some wonderful ideas of material recycle for Christmas.

What do you think of taking your used potato chips bags to elaborate this cutes bows for your gifts?

Don't forget to leave your comments.